Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat while tightening the underlying muscles. The goal is to create a firmer, smoother abdominal profile.

Tummy Tuck Explained

As we age, our mid-section can be a challenge. Most of us know that as we get older, our abdomen is where we tend to gain weight. In addition, pregnancy and weight changes can have irreversible effects on the abdominal skin and muscles, making it nearly impossible to achieve that tight, athletic look. For many patients, despite a vigilant diet and exercise regimen, the ideal abdominal contour is difficult to achieve.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is an excellent option for these patients. This procedure typically involves:
• Surgical removal of excess abdominal skin and fat
• Tightening or plication of the abdominal muscles in patients with diastasis recti (separation/weakness of abdominal muscles commonly seen with pregnancy)
• Creation of a new hole for the belly button (i.e. umbilicus)
• Liposuction of the abdomen, hips and other necessary areas to create a more flat abdomen with an ideal silhouette

The typical tummy tuck incision is horizontal in nature and hidden below the bikini or underwear line. The extent of this incision can vary depending on the amount of excess skin/fat present. In patients with minimal skin laxity and fat present, a “mini” or “limited-incision” abdominoplasty can be performed. In patients with significant amounts of skin and fat excess (typically seen in massive-weight loss patients), an “extended” abdominoplasty may be considered. Additionally, if the excess skin/fat extends circumferentially towards your back side, a lower body lift might be an option.

In some cases, liposuction alone may be a good option for patients seeking improvements in their abdominal contour. These candidates are usually patients with good skin quality and no history of pregnancy. Your candidacy for either liposuction alone or tummy tuck with liposuction will be decided after your examination during your consultation.

Benefits of Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck offers a range of transformative benefits, addressing both aesthetic and functional concerns to enhance the overall appearance of the abdomen. Here are key advantages:
  • Improved Abdominal Contours: The primary benefit is the removal of excess skin and fat, resulting in a smoother, firmer, and more contoured abdominal appearance.
  • Muscle Tightening: Abdominal muscles are often tightened during the procedure, addressing issues such as diastasis recti and providing enhanced muscle tone.
  • Reduced Stretch Marks: Stretch marks on the lower abdomen, often associated with pregnancy or weight fluctuations, may be minimized or removed as a result of skin removal.
  • Enhanced Waistline Definition: By sculpting the midsection, a tummy tuck contributes to a more defined waistline, providing an aesthetically pleasing silhouette.
  • Improved Posture and Core Strength: The procedure's muscle tightening can contribute to improved core strength and posture, offering both cosmetic and functional benefits.
Embarking on a tummy tuck journey is a personal decision, and our skilled surgeons are dedicated to guiding you through the process, ensuring your goals are understood and achieved with precision and care.

How New Horizons Can Help

At New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our experienced surgeons specialize in transformative tummy tuck procedures, tailored to sculpt and contour your abdomen for a more rejuvenated appearance. 

Our dedicated team is committed to understanding your goals and guiding you through a personalized journey to achieve the abdominal contours you desire. Schedule your consultation now to embark on your tummy tuck transformation and regain confidence in your appearance with New Horizons.

Tummy Tuck FAQs

The initial recovery period varies among individuals but typically involves a week of restricted activities. While light activities can be resumed within this time frame, more strenuous activities should be avoided for a few weeks to support proper healing.

While a tummy tuck may improve the appearance of stretch marks, it does not guarantee their complete removal. Stretch marks on the lower abdomen may be minimized or removed as a result of skin removal during the procedure.

Yes, a tummy tuck can be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as liposuction or breast augmentation for comprehensive body contouring. The decision to combine procedures is individualized based on aesthetic goals and surgeon recommendations

A tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure but focuses on removing excess skin and fat, providing a more sculpted appearance. While some weight may be lost as a result, the primary goal is aesthetic improvement.

The results of a tummy tuck are enduring, provided a stable weight is maintained. While the procedure cannot stop the natural aging process, it significantly enhances the abdominal contours, and the effects are long-lasting.

Everything You Need To Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery

Interested in a Tummy Tuck?

Talk to New Horizons today!

What to Expect at Your Tummy Tuck Appointment

At your tummy tuck appointment, expect a comprehensive consultation with your surgeon to discuss your aesthetic goals and assess the specific concerns of your abdomen. This collaborative session is crucial for tailoring the procedure to your unique needs, ensuring your preferences are considered. The duration of the actual tummy tuck procedure varies based on the extent of surgery needed, typically lasting between two to five hours.

Small incisions are made, excess skin and fat are removed, and abdominal muscles may be tightened. Post-operative care instructions and recovery expectations will be discussed, and follow-up appointments scheduled to monitor your progress. Throughout the process, the emphasis is on meticulous care and precision to ensure a successful and transformative tummy tuck experience.

How to Prepare for Tummy Tuck

In preparation for your tummy tuck appointment, adhere to any pre-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, which may include adjustments to medications, lifestyle considerations, and fasting guidelines. Communicate openly about your medical history, current medications, and any changes in your health since the initial consultation. Wear comfortable clothing on the day of the procedure, and make transportation arrangements, as you may not be able to drive yourself home after receiving anesthesia.

Create a supportive recovery space at home and consider bringing a trusted friend or family member to the appointment to absorb the information provided and offer assistance during the recovery process. This thoughtful preparation ensures a smooth and well-informed experience as you embark on your tummy tuck journey.

Planning for Recovery after Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck patients are typically able to go home the same day after surgery unless other procedures are performed in conjunction. A waterproof dressing will be placed over your incisions, allowing you to shower 24-48 hours after surgery. Drains are typically not placed, as special suture techniques (i.e. progression tension sutures) are used to prevent fluid collections.

Patients typically return to normal activities by the 1-2 week mark. However, no strenuous activity or heavy lifting is recommended for 4 weeks after surgery. A compression garment or abdominal binder is recommended for up to 6 weeks after surgery to help minimize swelling.

Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon will monitor your progress, ensuring a successful and comfortable recovery from your tummy tuck surgery.